First of all / まず最初に

「 どうしたの、あらたまって? 」
「 まず最初に、今日は来てくれてありがとう。 」
そんな時の「 まず最初に 」って英語でどのように言えるでしょうか?
今回のお役立ちフレーズは 『 まず最初に 』 です。




フレンズ (Friends) Season 7 第 6 話
「 ブライドメイドはゆずれない! 」 ( The One With The Nap Partners ) より
モニカ : Okay, the reason why I asked you guys out to brunch today is because I have been doing some thinking about who should be my maid of honor.
レイチェル : Oh my God! This is it! (To Phoebe) I really hope it's you!
フィービー : I hope it's you.
レイチェル : Me too!
モニカ : First of all um, I love you both so much and you're both so important to me…
レイチェル : Okay, bla-bla-bla-bla!! Who is it?!
わかったわ、ベラ、ベラ、ベラ、ベラ!! 誰なの?!
モニカ : Well umm, I was thinking that maybe we could come up with a system where we trade off being maid of honor for each other. Like hypothetically, if Phoebe were mine…
え〜、うむ〜ん、お互いに、メイド・オブ・オナーなりあえるようなシステムを考えられないかなって思ってたの。 仮に、フィービーが私のになるとすると、、、
フィービー : Yes!!! Oh!!
レイチェル : Hypothetically!


It's a shame people can't visit there.

「 まず最初に 」と言いたい時には First of all という英語フレーズを使って表現することができます。


その後に「 次に 」と続けたい時には secondly が使えますが、海外ドラマ「フレンズ」では Second of all という言い方のほうがよく出てきます。

First of all ..., Second of all ...

海外ドラマ 「フレンズ」 で First of all が使われれている他のセリフも見てみましょう。

■ Rachel: Well, first of all, Paulo and I are not back together.

■ Monica: First of all he's-he's never gonna tell her how he feels about her.

■ Ross: First of all, I'm not losing...

■ Joey: First of all, Utah? Dude, you can't just make stuff up!
ジョーイ:まず最初に、ユタ? おい、でっちあげちゃだめだぞ!

■ Rachel: First of all, I'm so sorry about my father yelling at you.

■ Monica: First of all, we haven't been introduced, I'm Monica Geller.

■ Rachel: First of all, the customer is always right.


■ Phoebe: Okay, first of all, breathe. Second of all, I don't get it. Aren't you the one that decided that you didn't want to be with Ross?

■ Rachel: Okay Joey, first of all Kash Ford is not people. Second of all, what did he say when you told him I was pregnant?

■ Rachel: Okay, first of all, if you keep calling it that, no one's gonna ever take it. Then, second of all you're not actually gonna have sex with him! You're just gonna make him think that you are.

■ Ross: First of all it's Professor Pittain! And second of all, that little bone, proved that, that particular dinosaur had wings, but didn't fly.

■ Ross: Okay, first of all, I don't play with cheaters, and second of all, you know I had swollen glands!!


フレンズ (Friends) Season 7 第 6 話
「 ブライドメイドはゆずれない! 」
(The One With The Nap Partners)

第 1 話 ~ 第 12 話

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